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Safeguarding Company & Customer Information

Protect our company and customers by maintaining the integrity of our confidential information.

We each have a duty to protect AppFolio’s proprietary and/or confidential information. This includes data or information that is not known or otherwise accessible to the public and can be harmful to AppFolio, our customers and business partners, consumers, or to you if disclosed. Each employee who has access to proprietary and/or confidential information must ensure that it is used only for authorized purposes. This means protecting it from theft, unauthorized disclosure, and inappropriate use.


Follow the guidelines below when handling Company confidential information:

  • Never share it with outsiders (including family and friends).
  • Only share it with other AppFolians who need it to do their job.
  • Don’t attempt to answer press inquiries or inquiries from media, investors, or analysts on behalf of the company. Information about AppFolio should only be shared by a certified AppFolio spokesperson.
  • If you have to share information with someone outside of AppFolio (i.e. if there is a legitimate business reason for doing so), always contact the Corporate Communications, the Legal Team, or the Compliance Team for approval and how to share the information securely.

Respecting the Privacy of Our Customers

AppFolio takes the data privacy of all individuals who engage with our platform, including customers, prospects, and partners, seriously. We only access customer data for specific business purposes.

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the internal policies and contractual responsibilities that are applicable to the personal data you have access to and to comply with those responsibilities.


Employee Privacy

AppFolio protects employee personal information in compliance with the law.

Social Media

  • Never post confidential information on blogs, personal websites, online forums, and other social media platforms, and follow AppFolio’s Social Media Policy within the Employee Handbook.
  • Never speak on behalf of AppFolio unless authorized to do so. Make it clear that the views you express are solely your own.
  • Use social media responsibly. Do not misrepresent yourself or use social media for deceptive practices.

Key Takeaways

  1. Keep confidential information confidential. Know what AppFolio information is considered proprietary and/or confidential and how to handle it.
  2. Protect AppFolio (and yourself!). Disclosing information (intentionally or inadvertently) can be harmful to AppFolio, to our customers and business partners, consumers, or to you if disclosed. Disclosure can result in a violation of laws, create conflicts of interest, and other problems for you and the company.
  3. Don’t speak on behalf of AppFolio. Refer press inquiries to the Corporate Communications Team and know the rules for posting on Social Media.

Frequently asked questions

    A: Reference the Data Classification Policy. Any information about our company and our customers that the general public doesn't have knowledge of or access to is likely confidential. If, after reviewing the Data Classification Policy, you are unsure if the information you’re dealing with is proprietary and/or confidential, reach out to the Information Security Team or the Compliance & Ethics team for guidance.

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    A: Disclosing AppFolio’s or its customers’ confidential information can result in harm to AppFolio and, potentially, risk for you (through violations of insider trading laws, creation of conflicts of interest and more). Carefully consider any communication you make via any channel and, if in doubt, reach out to the Compliance & Ethics team.

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