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Keeping Accurate Books & Records

We strive for accuracy and transparency in everything we do, and especially in preparing our financial statements, books, and records.


Our records and our record-keeping processes form the basis on which we make important strategic decisions. They help us fulfill our financial commitments and hold us accountable to shareholders and those who rely on our financial information. That’s why records and information about our company and its operations must always be complete, accurate, and transparent. 


Employees involved in preparing financial or accounting records have an increased responsibility to understand AppFolio’s reporting controls and procedures, as well as the laws and standards relating to accounting and financial reporting. This includes working cooperatively with our independent auditors and ensuring our reports are accurate, timely, and disclosed appropriately. Senior Financial Officers are especially responsible for ensuring fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosures are filed in reports, documents, and other public communications. 


Even if you are not directly involved with financial reporting, you still have a responsibility to make sure all records you create (such as timesheets, expense reports, and other corporate information) are prepared as honestly and as accurately as possible. If you see or suspect information is inaccurate or misleading, or that reporting procedures are not being followed, notify the Compliance & Ethics team.

We create accurate books and records when preparing public or disclosable information, including:

  • Information for regulatory disclosures, reports submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other government agencies
  • Reports for the Internal Audit Committee, our Board of Directors or other committees of the Board
  • Public tax documents

... and when preparing internal documents, including but not limited to:

  • Timesheets
  • Expense reports after traveling for business
  • Month-end sales figures
  • Any data that may be included in the company’s books and records
  • Management reports & Key Performance Indicators

Key Takeaways

  1. We are all accountable. Never submit false, misleading or incomplete information; it undermines our ability to make good decisions and can result in law or policy violations.
  2. Retain Company records responsibly. Be aware of your responsibility to retain records subject to litigation hold and in accordance with legal and compliance requirements.
  3. Speak up. If you suspect information is being reported or recorded inaccurately, notify the Compliance & Ethics team.

Working with Auditors

Our auditors have a duty to review our records in a fair and accurate manner. All employees are expected to cooperate with independent and internal auditors in good faith and in accordance with law. Never manipulate or mislead the company’s independent or internal auditors regarding financial records, processes, controls, or procedures. Outside auditors should never be engaged to perform any audit or other services without written approval from the Audit Committee.


Retain Company Records Responsibly

AppFolio is required to retain certain records and to follow specific guidelines in managing its records. Records subject to litigation hold or that we must maintain in accordance with legal and compliance requirements should be retained in a manner consistent with how we protect confidential Company information. If you are unsure if a record should be retained or deleted, contact the Legal Team, Compliance Team or the Information Security Team.


  • Create and maintain transparent, clear, and accurate records.
  • Comply with internal and independent auditors.
  • Obtain appropriate authorization prior to making purchases or requesting reimbursements.
  • Report any activity you believe is questionable to the Compliance & Ethics team or make a report using our anonymous Helpline.


  • Submit false, misleading or incomplete information.
  • Make false statements or seek to hide the true purpose of financial records.
  • Omit or add relevant, material entries to AppFolio’s financial records.
  • Record incomplete or inaccurate information into our books or records –even if your manager is asking you to do so.
  • Fail to maintain records that are subject to a litigation hold or are otherwise required to be maintained in accordance with legal and compliance requirements.

Frequently asked questions

    A: No. Personal purchases should never be made on Company cards. Reimbursements from AppFolio to employees can only be made for legitimate business-related expenses and this must be reflected accurately in our records.

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    A: You should never be pressured to act in a way that goes against our Code or standards. This could be a misrepresentation of our financial condition and can result in fraudulent records. Managers have an increased responsibility to demonstrate ethical behavior. If you believe that your manager is violating our standards, report it to the Compliance & Ethics team.

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