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We Don't Tolerate Retaliation

We do not tolerate retaliation for speaking up and raising a concern in good faith.

It takes courage to come forward and share your concerns. AppFolio does not tolerate retaliation in any way against any person – including employees, vendors or customers – who have in good faith reported a concern or assisted in an investigation of misconduct. Retaliation is a violation of AppFolio’s policies and the law and should be reported.


If you believe you may have faced any negative consequences in the conditions of your employment for reporting a suspected violation, or if you believe you may have faced a threat of negative consequences, immediately report it to the Compliance & Ethics team. We take reports of retaliation seriously and will investigate them thoroughly. If the report is found to be true, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken – including termination of employment with AppFolio.


As part of AppFolio’s commitment to maintaining an ethical workplace for employees, and upholding its responsibilities to its various stakeholders, including its customers, vendors, lenders and other business relationships, AppFolio’s Board of Directors adopted a Whistleblower and Reporting Suspected Violations Policy. If you have questions about how your concerns will be handled, please review AppFolio’s full Whistleblower and Reporting Suspected Violations Policy


Examples of retaliation may include:

  • Termination
  • Demotion
  • Suspension
  • Threats
  • Harassment
  • Other manners of discrimination with respect to terms or conditions of employment, including compensation

Key Takeaway

We do not tolerate retaliation. AppFolio will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who reports violations in good faith. You should always feel comfortable bringing any concern forward.

Frequently asked questions

    A: Good faith means you are honestly providing truthful and accurate information about the concern you are raising. It doesn’t mean you have to be right. Reports made dishonestly, maliciously or with an ulterior motive are a violation of the Code and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

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