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Engaging Third Parties Responsibly

We engage ethical third parties that are committed to following our Code and upholding our standards.


It is our responsibility to ensure that all third parties who may act on our behalf, such as consultants, agents and suppliers, follow AppFolio’s Code of Conduct, and uphold the ethical standards we set for ourselves. All third parties must be properly vetted prior to onboarding or establishing a relationship with AppFolio. Depending on the type of business partner and the nature and scope of work and/or business terms, additional due diligence processes involving Legal and/or Compliance, Information Security, and Finance may be required. 

When engaging a third party:

  • Engage Procurement: Involve the Procurement Team when considering third-party providers. They can guide you through the necessary requirements and procedures.
  • Follow AppFolio's processes and procedures for onboarding new third parties
  • Understand the risks when onboarding and the business rationale for engaging them
  • Select third parties based on our company’s business needs
  • Select third parties based on their skills and qualifications. Selection should never be based on a relationship between you or another AppFolio employee and the third party
  • Never accept bribes, kickbacks, or any other benefits from a third party in return for referring their services to AppFolio
    • A bribe is when someone gives or promises another person or entity anything of value to obtain a benefit, favorable treatment, or business advantage.
    • A kickback is a type of negotiated bribe in which payment is given or received in return for a favorable decision, outcome, or business transaction. Outline specific processes to monitor the ongoing relationship in the contract.
  • If a third party requires access to AppFolio data, submit a TPRM ServiceDesk ticket, and the appropriate team will advise on next steps. Please see the TPRM Hub page and Third Party Risk Management Procedure for more information.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understand the risks suppliers pose to our business and know how to manage relationships.
  2. Disclose existing relationships with suppliers prior to onboarding.
  3. Speak up. If you’re unsure if a vendor you are looking to onboard requires additional vetting or due diligence, contact the Compliance & Ethics Team

Frequently asked questions

    A: Like all vendors and third parties, your friend’s company will be required to undergo AppFolio’s vendor due diligence process. Once the business need for the service has been established, it is important to review other suppliers considered for the job to ensure fair competition. The vendor will also be required to undergo standard screening procedures. The ultimate decision of who to select should be made by all key stakeholders. If your friend’s company is chosen, another employee should be responsible for managing the relationship, to avoid potential conflicts of interest (or the appearance of a conflict of interest).

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