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Anti-Money Laundering

AppFolio has zero tolerance for financial crime.


AppFolio’s Anti-Money Laundering program is built on applicable laws and regulations, as well as our obligations to our financial partners. We do not tolerate financial crime, and we escalate signs of suspicious activity when appropriate.  


To protect AppFolio and our customers, we have implemented a robust Anti-Money Laundering program where you are involved in spotting and reporting suspicious activity.  

What is Money Laundering?  

Money laundering is the process of transforming monetary proceeds from criminal activity into funds that appear to come from a legal source.   

You are our greatest resource for identifying red flags. AppFolio has an internal suspicious activity detection process in place to encourage detection and reporting the details of suspicious activity to the appropriate parties. Employees who deal regularly with payments processing or transaction monitoring have an increased responsibility to understand how money laundering can impact AppFolio’s business, and how to spot red flags when performing their daily responsibilities.



Key Takeaways

  1. Know the risks. Understand how Money Laundering risks and regulations can impact our business.
  2. Use your judgment. Be vigilant and know how to recognize suspicious activity and red flags.
  3. Speak up. AppFolio has a duty to raise reports of suspicious activity to its regulated payments partners. Always raise concerns to your manager, Compliance & Ethics or if you see red flags – even if you’re unsure.

Frequently asked questions

    A: Suspicious activity can appear in many different forms. You should understand how certain activities can impact AppFolio, how to identify red flags and where to report them. Escalate concerns to your manager or to AppFolio’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Officer. Remember – even if you are unsure, it’s always best to raise concerns.

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