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Managing Conflicts of Interest

Act in the best interests of AppFolio. If an actual or perceived conflict comes up, remember that transparency and disclosure are key.

We are all expected to act with integrity and in the best interests of AppFolio. We must not allow our personal interests to affect business decisions that we make on behalf of AppFolio.

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest occurs when your outside personal or professional interests interfere, or appear to interfere, with AppFolio's interests. A conflict can arise in any of the following scenarios:

Outside activity:

  • Acting as a director, officer or board member of an outside entity that conducts business, competes with, or could be perceived as having conflicting interests with AppFolio.
  • Participating in outside employment or consulting activity without prior approval.



Family or romantic relationships:

  • With another AppFolio employee or officer, or with an employee or officer of an entity that does business with or competes with AppFolio.

Financial interest:

  • Personal or family financial interest in an entity that conducts business, competes with, or could be perceived as having conflicting interests with AppFolio.

Exchanging gifts or entertainment:

  • With a customer, vendor, or partner.

Undisclosed conflicts of interest can create a negative perception as well as potential civil liability and regulatory risk for both you and the Company. You agreed to disclose conflicts of interest in your employee confidentiality agreement. If you suspect you may have a conflict of interest, speak up right away. Disclose any questions or potential conflicting situations either to your manager or to the Compliance & Ethics team, via our secure Disclosure Portal. Employees will be required to make disclosures on a regular basis, as part of AppFolio’s annual disclosures process but you can make a disclosure anytime. Having a conflict of interest isn’t necessarily a problem, but failing to disclose it is.


  • Be transparent - if you're ever unsure, always choose transparency and disclose.
  • Ask for help - your manager, Human Resources, and the Legal team or Compliance team are available and ready to answer questions.
  • Timely disclose potential conflicts via the Disclosures Form as soon as they arise.


  • Allow your personal interests to affect business decisions that you make on behalf of AppFolio.
  • Use your position, Company property or Company information for personal gain or to compete with AppFolio.
  • Participate in any business opportunity or investment if you learn of it through your position at AppFolio without approval from the Compliance & Ethics team.
  • Engage with “Expert Network” solicitations for interviews and information in exchange for money or other perks. Disclose these solicitations to the Compliance & Ethics team.

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify and address. A conflict of interest occurs when your personal interests interfere or appear to interfere with AppFolio’s interests.
  2. Appearances matter. Even if you do not have an actual conflict of interest, the perception of your colleagues, customers, vendors, and competitors matters. Disclose potential conflicts to the Compliance & Ethics team for guidance on how to manage these relationships.
  3. Disclose all potential conflicts of interest. Some conflicts may be unavoidable. If you are unsure whether you have a conflict of interest, disclose it to the Compliance & Ethics team here.

Frequently asked questions

    A: Yes. You should inform your manager and submit a disclosure with the Compliance & Ethics team to review all interactions between AppFolio and your spouse's company.

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    A: As long as you are not making the hiring decision and your sister will not be reporting to you, you can recommend her to Talent Acquisition, who will put her through the standard application process. Be sure to disclose the relationship to Human Resources and the Compliance & Ethics team before making the recommendation.

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    A: No. Communicating with representatives from expert networks creates real risk for AppFolio and for you individually. Even if the contact says you won’t be asked about AppFolio’s confidential or proprietary information, you may find yourself in a situation where these types of questions come up. Further, you have no idea how the information you provide is going to be used. Avoid speaking to expert networks whenever possible. To the extent that you are engaged by one, please report this to the Compliance & Ethics team.

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